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Wild spice oils and mountain spices as bone-building agents

Wild spice oils and mountain spices as bone-building agents

Wild, mountain-grown spices of Mediterranean source are surely among the most potent natural substances known. These spices have powers which are exceedingly unique. Revealingly, they have a predilection for growing on mountain rock, specifically calcareous or calcium-phosphate-rich rock. They prefer it over dirt-like soil. In fact, these spices fail to grow in mere farm-type soil. These wild spices break down the rock, fixing it into the earth, while aggressively absorbing the mineral matter into the plant substance.
A high density of the rock-based minerals is found in mountain spices, such as wild oregano, rosemary, and sage, particularly calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese, all of which are needed for the building of healthy bone.
Consider wild oregano. Its calcium content. It is quite considerable. Ground wild oregano provides some 30 mg of calcium per teaspoon. Two teaspoons thus amount to some 6% of the daily requirement. Few other foods have such a density. Biologically available calcium is essential for supporting the growth and repair of healthy bones and teeth. A diet rich in vegetable-source calcium is associated with retardation of bone loss. Wild oregano, sage, and rosemary are all dense sources of biologically available calcium.
Additionally, from a nutritional point of view spices, particularly wild oregano and rosemary, are rich sources of vitamin K, also needed for bone remodeling. A mere teaspoon of ground oregano contains 11 mcg of the vitamin, nearly 9.5% of the daily requirement for men and some 12.5% for women. Vitamin K is essential for the development of strong bones and also is needed in the synthesis of blood coagulation proteins. A deficiency of this nutrient increases the risks for the development of osteoporosis and bone fractures as well as a tendency for excessive bleeding upon injury.
Does this mean, then, that wild, mountain-found spices can build bone? Modern research tends to confirm this. This was first revealed by Switzerland’s R. C. Muhlbauer, who found that, in fact, wild, high-mountain spices, as well as their oils, are the most potent bone-building and osteoporosis-retarding agents known. The primary mountain spices, which exerted this effect were wild rosemary, sage, and oregano (mentioned in the study as ‘thyme’). It was Muhlbauer and his group publishing in the Journal of Nutrition who also found that the essential oils of such spices block bone loss. Medically, this is known as inhibition of bone resorption. The powers of spice oils and whole spices were dramatic, and it was beyond statistically significant how they blocked bone loss and even resulted in building denser bones.
Initially, Muhlbauer found that sage “strongly inhibited bone resorption.” This then led him to study other spices, notably rosemary and oregano, as well as the extracted oils of such spices. What he found was nothing less than astounding. Within 30 minutes the oils were found to block bone loss, indicating that, in fact, bone loss in humans could well be reversible. Merely added to the food, they discovered, the spices and their oils “inhibited bone resorption in rats.” In yet another study of some 50 foods only 23 were found to be effective in blocking bone loss and in potentially building bone. Of these, oregano (also known as wild thyme), rosemary, sage, onion, and garlic, along with Italian parsley, were found to be most powerful. One wild oregano capsule on the market also contains garlic and onion and thus fits the findings of this study.
Regarding oregano, in particular, there is additional compelling research, once again by Swiss, along with German, investigators. Researchers publishing in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.discovered that oregano, that is the whole, crude spice, is entirely unique in its actions on bones and the inflammation associated with bones and joints. The spice contains a potent substance known as beta caryophyllin (E-BCP), which not only reduces “inflammation but also helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis.” The substance, also found in rosemary and basil according to one of the lead researchers, Prof. Andreas, effectively “inhibits inflammation.” The research was conducted on mice with swollen paws. The oregano active ingredient eliminated the swelling in some 70% of the test animals, matching standard pharmaceutical agents. Once again, since they contain similar properties oregano, combined with rosemary and sage, would potentiate this benefit.
E-BCP affects what are known as cannaboid CB2 receptors found in the cell membranes. When they are triggered, pain and inflammation are reduced. The substance proved so powerful that the investigators dubbed it as the “ultimate inflammation fighter.”
Other research has demonstrated that infusions of the spices, notably sage tea, are effective in blocking bone loss in the animal model. Concluded the researchers the use of the sage infusion “reduced bone loss” in osteoporotic test animals by halting bone turnover. Still others demonstrate that the active ingredients of certain essential spice oils, notably caronsic acid, found in rosemary oil, actively fight bone loss to such a degree that the investigators stated, “Our findings indicate that carnosic acid may be used as an effective remedy in the treatment of the symptoms of osteoporosis.”
Whether used topically or through inhalation, or through their intake internally, the mixture of wild oils of sage, rosemary, and oregano is ideal, as are the whole spices themselves in culinary use or as daily capsules. Always think: wild sage, rosemary, and oregano. This is the exceptionally potent formula for ideal bone health.
There is already one such supplement that is available, mountain-wild oregano, along with Rhus coriaria, garlic, and onion. This fits a goodly portion of the Muhlbauer research findings. Women, in particular, have been using this for bone support for decades. It should be kept in mind that in the Swiss work wild oregano, along with garlic and onion, were among the most potent foods for blocking bone loss and encouraging bone remodeling ever studied.
There is an additional supplement recently available. This is a combination of wild sage, rosemary, and oregano, along with a highly potent bone extract known as microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHC). It is MCHC which has been determined to be of all animal sources of calcium and collagen the most potent in building bone. The MCHC in this supplement is derived from herds of grass-fed New Zealand cattle and is of the highest quality and purity. This is a raw supplement, combining raw grass-fed bone with raw, wild oregano, rosemary, and sage. Of note, all such spices are dense sources of bone-building trace minerals, along with vitamin K.
Also recently available is a bone-activating rubbing oil consisting of wild oils of sage, rosemary, and oregano, a highly potent oil ideal for rubbing on the long bones of the body, the spine, the large joints, and also the arches of the feet, the latter representing the spine.
The regular intake of such supplements, along with the use of the bone activating rubbing oil, is an ideal protocol for bone and joint support. Use such supplements as often and aggressively as desired: for better health and stronger, more powerful structural status. Food sources of the bone-activating complexes should also be consumed regularly. The supplements give a metered dose and are ideal for achieving strength and good health in the musculoskeletal system. The key is daily consumption, and what could be more ideal in this regard than food: wild spices, aromatic foods, raw grass-fed bone, and more.
NOTE: Many thanks to Muhlbauer, et al, and other pioneering researchers for their novel discoveries in this regard.
Hagiwara, H., et al. 2014. Carnosic acid inhibits the formation of osteoclasts through attenuation of expression of RANKL. PharmaNutrition. 3:1-6.
Inaz, Z.A., et al. 2010. Effect of Salvia officinalis L. (sage) herbs on osteoporotic changes in aged non-cycling females rats. Med. J. Cairo Univ. 78, Mar. 1-9.
Muhlbauer, RC, Lozano, A, Palacio, S, Reinli, A., and R. Felix. 2003. Common herbs, essential oils, and monoterpenes potently modulate bone metabolism. Bone. 32:372.
Muhlbauer, R. C., Lozano, A., Reinli, A., and H. Wetli. 2010. Various selected vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and red wine residue inhibit bone resorption in rats. J. Nutr. 133:3592-97.

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