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Cass Ingram

Wild Oregano Oil Reverses Vicious Dog Bites, Stops Bleeding, Heals Wounds

Wild Oregano Oil Reverses Vicious Dog Bites, Stops Bleeding, Heals Wounds

Updated, May 5, 2018
It was a fine spring day as I accompanied a friend of mine while he walked his dog in a large park where thousands of people walk their four-legged pets. Doing so unleashed is the habit of most people in this English domain. We were all excited about a brisk walk for good exercise and plenty of fresh air. Yet, with these dogs in this uncontrolled situation, a disaster happened. When one of the dogs, a German shorthaired pointer, passed by a Scottish terrier, the terrier moved towards it and growled aggressively. The hunting dog then turned around and lunged at the terrier, latching its jaws onto its neck.
A struggle ensued as the owner of the German pointer attempted to pull its dog off the terrier’s neck. Simultaneously, the person handling the other dog also attempted to pull it away.  It was the terrier that got aggressive. It all happened so quickly. It lashed out and bit both its female handler, who was not the owner but, rather, a dog-sitter, and the owner of the other dog.
The terrier struck so quickly no one saw what happened. The only way this was obvious was that both hands of these people were dripping blood. However, now the dogs were separated, and it was all under control; except the status of the woman. A rather thin person, about 65 years-old, she was shaking, suffering from puncture wounds on the top and palm of her hand. Her dog was free of wounds.
It so happened that my friend was bleeding fairly profusely from his puncture wounds. He told me he was on a modest dose of Coumadin. Immediately, the oil was placed on his wounds, which rapidly stemmed the bleeding.
Turning around, the same treatment was applied to the woman. She was then told to go and wash off her wounds. When she did so, another round of the oil was applied with slight pressure from tissue. With her, too, the bleeding was stopped. Moreover, there was no pain or stinging in either of their cases. The purpose was to not only stem the bleeding but also sterilize the wounds. With dog bites there is a risk for local infection and even generalized sepsis.
Both individuals were concerned about this and talked of going to the emergency room. They were reassured that this was not necessary, as the wild oregano oil would categorically sterilize all wounds, even deep puncture bites.
Here are my friend’s wounds, after the oil was applied:

It can be seen that the wild oregano oil acted as a hemostatic agent, far more effectively than any other known topical agent. The individual, too, can use the wild oregano oil as an agent for hemostasis, for wounds, lacerations, paper cuts, and shaving cuts. It’s highly effective, plus it sterilizes the wounds and eliminates pain as well as swelling.
Here are the wounds one week later, the only treatment being repeated applications of the oil, along with internal use, five drops three times daily. The results are astounding, the healing vigorous and thorough:

This is hard proof of the immense powers of the wild oregano oil for puncture wounds, bites, and lacerations. It stings less than water. In fact, it acts against all pain and stinging with its morphine-like properties. Fully, it sterilizes all wounds. In summary, here is what the oil achieved:

  • it halted all bleeding
  • it curbed inflammation
  • it curtailed any soreness or pain
  • it obliterated any potential infection
  • it stimulated a rapid healing process

There is a novel power within this wild-source oil that virtually defies explanation. The healing it produced is exceedingly dramatic; no synthetic substance can compare. It is the premier choice for application to any wound; comparatively, all others, including hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic creams, and even silver solutions, are relatively impotent.
It is no surprise considering the nature of this complex. Wild oregano is an exceedingly high-energy complex. Its measured hertz energy, a function of biological and biochemical activity, is higher than any other food or spice. Hertz energy is a function of the healing/medicinal capacity of a plant.
As well, there is too much liberality with dogs. There a number of vicious breeds which are responsible for mauling people, leading to much physical and mental trauma but also scarring and loss of limbs. In some instances certain breeds, in particular, cause fatality. Action needs to be taken to safeguard the public against such danger.
Wild oregano oil, edible type, daily-use, should be a standard in all hospitals for bites of all types, as well as any other penetrating wound. What a dire shame it is not more well recognized. If it was applied universally, there would be endless benefits to vulnerable, unaware humankind. Infections from bites and injury-related wounds would be eliminated. Post-surgical infections would be curbed. Medical costs would be greatly reduced. So, make use of it. Take advantage of edible, wild oregano oil, here using the blend, for all possible acute injuries and potentially dangerous penetrations, including puncture wounds. Here, if used vigorously, it will save the need for tetanus shots.
The medical system is far behind in its knowledge base regarding naturally derived, effective, safe treatments. Then let the people take charge of their own health. One way they can do so is to routinely rely upon oil of wild oregano as the preferred emergency medicine.

1 thought on “Wild Oregano Oil Reverses Vicious Dog Bites, Stops Bleeding, Heals Wounds”

  1. Please may I buy. The wild spice oil of a oregano. Cannot seem 2 find this. One you do I love your videos u n doc bond I think made my heart smile. I lov. U. Bless u. 4 all ur information n very hard work. Sooooo. Very gratefull. Massively. Take care of yourself. God bless you. May he keep u n give u peace

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