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Cass Ingram

How to Obliterate Genital Herpes: C. Ingram protocol

Few people realize genital herpes can be obliterated from the body. After all, it’s only a virus, though a tenacious one. The right approach must be taken, which takes into account the physiology and infective pattern of the pathogen.
The virus operates in two phases, the essentially non-infective one, or latent phase, and the infective stage, or active phase. It’s crucial to realize for a cure to be achieved, it is not only necessary to kill the more rare, active germs, but also all those which are lying dormant, causing no obvious symptoms.
Active infections are relatively easy to destroy, although it may prove stubborn in certain cases. In this case, the virus is vigorously infecting the skin on or around the genitalia. In particular, it has a preference for the mucus membranes such as those on the labia of the vagina or within the penile shaft, as well as the mucous membranes of the mouth and around the lips. These are among the thinnest tissue membranes on the body, and the most vulnerable areas for herpetic attack.
It’s complicated to determine if a person has the infection because victims are largely asymptomatic. As demonstrated by S. L. Sacks’ book, “The Truth about Herpes,” people who most readily develop symptoms in the genital region are those who have never had the infection before. Others who have a prior history or are repeatedly exposed, may have no symptoms since their bodies have the capacity to fight the virus and its symptoms through antibody production.
It’s important to realize acute symptoms are related to a flu-like illness: mild fever, aches, and mild headache. The typical herpetic outbreak is on the skin and/or mucous membranes. In many instances, vesicles are never seen, however they may convert into tiny ulcerations. Common sites of the vesicles and ulcerations in women are the labia and skin about the pubic region and, in men, the foreskin area and penile shaft. Yet, more rarely, sores may also appear on the buttocks, around the anus, and on the thighs. There can be a burning sensation in relation to urination as the lymph nodes in the groin area may become swollen. Pain and much inflammation during the outbreak is a sign that the immune system is actively fighting the infection.
The body regards this as a major assault and needs help in order to fully obliterate the pathogen. Natural germicidal agents are crucial as they are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Natural substances or complexes which bolster immunity are also essential.
The greatest anti-herpetic power can be found in oil of wild oregano. This highly potent complex has significant antiviral properties. Plus, it has a specialized power—it’s an escharotic agent, which means it has corrosive capacities. It corrodes the outer coat of the herpetic virus, obliterating it. Another action of wild oregano is its immense anti-inflammatory actions. The most potent wild oregano with this capacity is the supercritical or CO2 extract. The supercritical extraction preserves flavonoids and other inflammation-fighting compounds which are lost in the standard extraction. The ideal treatment regimen incorporates both of these natural complexes.

Dietary recommendations
Avoid all nuts and seeds while increasing the consumption of grass-fed animal meats and poultry, as well as eggs, cheese, and whole milk.
Follow this program aggressively. It may take up to six months to fully purge the virus. It can be done. It’s a matter of time and dosage.

19 thoughts on “How to Obliterate Genital Herpes: C. Ingram protocol”

  1. Hello Cass – Do we take the treatment protocol oral dosing all at the same time for a couple of month straight or we we take one for 1 month and switch oral treatmean?

  2. Hello Cass – Do we take the treatment protocol oral dosing all at the same time for a couple of onth straight or do we take one for 1 month and switch oral treatmeant ? Thank you

  3. I don’t understand. Under oral dosing, are all 3 suppose to be taken or do we pick 1? Are the other categories optional or required?

      1. Dear Dr Ingram,
        What do you equate 40 drops with – 2 full spatulas ?
        Thank you for giving me hop anyway, you are a great man.
        Ruairi Wilson
        ruairi.Wilson brother

  4. Does this protocol permanently kill the reproductive machinery or viral code from replicating the herpes virus too? Or am I just temporairily inhibiting reverse-transcriptase expression into messenger RNA and protein?
    Is the viral code to reproduce the virus stuck with you forever? As soon as my immune system weakens my body will continue producing the virus.

  5. Can you show an interview of somebody that supposedly has been “cured” of the genital herpes virus? I need to see proof that the Cass Ingram protocol really works. Thank you in advance.

  6. Can anyone give testimonials as to if this worked or works? Seems like when ever someone asks a question about someone coming forward no one reply’s back.

  7. Hi Dr. Ingram,
    Thank you for this protocol.
    Are we avoiding the nuts and seeds because of their high content of “L-Arginine”” and should I avoid this amino acid?

  8. Is the “treatment protocol” meant to be taken every day with or without an outbreak, or just during an outbreak? If this is an everyday protocol, is it forever or a period of time to hopefully have then eradicated the virus?

  9. Amber,
    I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone thru. Your specific story raises my interest in finding out what life is like for you today. Did you carry out and achieve results?
    Best wishes

  10. I read the book and taking juice, oregamax capsules , and the oreganol , what is the multiple spice extract? and how much do you take? this is the only thing I can’t figure out?

    1. Hi James,

      Multiple spice extract is hemp oil extract mixed oils of wild oregano, cumin, and sage. Make sure it’s organically grown hemp and wild mediterranean oregano, cumin and sage oils. Put 1-2 drops of oregano, cumin, and sage to each teaspoon of hemp oil. You can get oregano oil from and the other oils from any high quality local health food store.

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